General Principles
The Kaelus Group shall:
- Comply with the laws and regulations of each country in which it operates
- Do business with a high degree of integrity and ethics.
- Promote its commitment to responsible business practice in policies, decisions and activities. These include our responsibilities towards the communities and environments in which we operate, towards our employees, business partners and society in general.
- We respect the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and adapt to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct.
Business Principals
Accounting and Reporting
We record the correct nature of all financial transactions by recording them in accordance with locally Accepted Accounting Principles. The accounting records must show the nature of all transactions in a correct and non-misleading manner.
Kaelus is committed to competing solely on a merit of our products and services. Kaelus employees shall not accept payments, gifts or other kinds of reimbursement from a third party that could affect or appear to affect their objectivity in their business decisions.
Conflicts of Interest
All representatives of the Kaelus Group shall conduct their private and other external activities and financial interests in a manner that does not conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of the Group. Employees’ private interests shall not influence, or appear to influence, their judgment or actions in performing their duties as representatives of the Group.
Confidential and Proprietary Information
We will not disclose confidential and nonpublic information without a valid business purpose and proper authorization.
Kaelus Group is committed to protect the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone they do business with, including suppliers, customers and employees. Kaelus Privacy Policy
Labor Practice
- Human Rights Kaelus Group shall support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
- Non discrimination We provide equal opportunities to people without regard to race, color, gender, nationality, religion, ethnic affiliation or other distinguishing characteristics. We do not allow discrimination nor harassment. All employees shall be treated with respect. Discrimination, physical or verbal harassment, or any illegal threats are not tolerated.
- Forced Labor We do not use forced labor, slave labor or other forms of involuntary labor at our work sites. Employees are free to leave their employment after reasonable notice as required by law and contract.
- Child Labor Child labor is not tolerated. The minimum employment age is the age of completion of compulsory school, but never less than 15 years or applicable higher legal minimum age.
- Working hours, Wages and Benefits Working hours are not to exceed the maximum set by local law. All overtime must be voluntary. Compensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits.
- Freedom of Association We recognize employees’ rights to form or join trade unions in accordance with applicable national laws and principles.
- Resource Efficiency Our ambition is to continually improve the environmental credentials of our projects, products and services by actively looking for ways to reduce negative environmental impacts during their entire life cycle.
- Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Energy consumption and all relevant Scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions are tracked, documented, and publicly reported against the greenhouse gas reduction goal.
Health and Safety
- Workplace Practice Kaelus Group acknowledges is responsibilities to provide, so far as it is reasonably practicable, working environments which is not impair the health or jeopardize the safety of its employees, customers, contractors or the general public. The company is committed to compliance with health and safety legislations and other relevant requirements
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