Procurement Policy
The objective of this Policy is to inform and set out the standards that we expect our suppliers to achieve, and which we expect them to promote within their own supply chain.
Our suppliers shall respect the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and adapt to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct.
Business principals
- The highest standards of integrity are to be upheld in all business interactions. Participants shall have a zero-tolerance policy to prohibit any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement. All business dealings should be transparently performed and accurately reflected on Participant’s business books and records.
- Confidential and nonpublic information including Intellectually Proprietary Rights (IPR) of Kaelus should not be disclosed without a valid business purpose and proper authorization.
- Conflict minerals are minerals mined in conditions of armed conflict and human rights abuses. Suppliers who manufacture components, parts, or products containing conflicts minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and/or gold) must be committed of sourcing those materials from environmentally and socially responsible sources only.
- The supplier shall have in place an effective management system, appropriate for the nature and scale of their business and services provided, that ensure compliance with standards and codes specific to their industry. The management system shall be designed to ensure compliance to ISO-9001 and ISO-14001 to a minimum.
- Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.
Ethical standards
- The law is applied
- Employment is freely chosen
- Freedom of Association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
- Working conditions are safe and healthy
- Child labor is eliminated
- Living wages are paid
- Working hours are not excessive
- No discrimination is practiced
- Regular employment is provided
- No harsh or inhumane treatment or harassment is allowed
- No human rights are infringed by use of telecommunications technology
- Provide training and education opportunities for employees that support their work plans
- Commit to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone they do business with, including suppliers, customers, consumers, and employees
Environmental standards
- The environment is of increasing concern globally and Kaelus Group expects its suppliers to act responsibly in this respect. Our suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations in the country of operation.
- Any waste generated from operations or from products or customer’s assets should be managed in accordance with legal requirements and good environmental practices.
QD100755 rev C